DOTA: Dragon Blood Season 3:an kommer att sakta ner takten i berättelsen
The main showrunner and one of the creators of Dota: Dragon`s Blood, Ashley Miller, spoke a little about the structure of the 3rd season of the series. On his Twitter account, Ashley chatted with fans in a Q&A format, and in response to one of them, he admitted that the upcoming season will be perhaps the longest of all.
Main question
Did Netflix again force you to cut all content into fewer episodes than you planned?
Ashley's answer
Books 1 and 2 were different, much more complicated, but Book 3 was written with those time constraints in mind. Paradoxically, this may be our longest episode-by-episode season yet.
From his response, we can understand that the creators of the series will finally improve the pace of the story by making more episodes and screen time for each of the many characters.
Earlier in the review of season 2, we noticed all its shortcomings. The main problem was just the torn narrative with an unreasonably high pace.
The second question was about Windranger and her appearance in the series. To which Ashley himself replied that there would be a lot of cameo characters, but he had no right to disclose their names.
Recall that Season 3 of Dota: Dragon`s Blood comes out tomorrow, August 11, on Netflix.