EGW-NewsDota 2ArtStyle: "Jag tror att det finns en framtida händelse där DPC kommer att spela NAVI och NAVI Junior "
ArtStyle: "Jag tror att det finns en framtida händelse där DPC kommer att spela NAVI och NAVI Junior "

ArtStyle: "Jag tror att det finns en framtida händelse där DPC kommer att spela NAVI och NAVI Junior "

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Recently, Natus Vincere announced the signing of a Dota 2 roster. Despite the fact that v1lat suspected the emergence of such a project, Natus Vincere kept the news under wraps and made a sudden announcement. Immediately, an interview appeared on the YouTube channel of the eSports club, in which Ivan 'ArtStyle' Antonov, who is also the team's coach, shared his impressions of working with the players.

He spoke about the process of collecting the roster, the nature of the cybersportsmen and the team atmosphere that reigns in the team, and also spoke about other interesting things.

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About the launch of the NAVI Dota 2 academy

There are several reasons for the creation of the Natus Vincere Junior Dota 2 academy. Firstly, we lack Ukrainian players. Someone always has to either buy and take from other organizations, but it is much easier to raise your own. Secondly, Dota, as for me, got a little bogged down and is now dying. I would like to freshen it up. As far as I understand, CS:GO was refreshed thanks to the academies, so we want to do the same here.

On the difficulties in finding players for the academic Dota 2 roster

Now there is a tendency to sign players in all sorts of incomprehensible stacks and the probability of finding players with a high rating was quite low. We did this for three months and for each position we had 2-3 options, with the exception of the captain's position.

About requirements

First of all, we were interested in the age of the player. Because of this, many players with experience and more solid ratings had to be abandoned. They were already 18 years old, but our task was to find younger esportsmen, and when we started playing test matches, I realized that it was worth it.

As for the rating, there was an option to start working with thousands of players (top 1000 of the rating) and it would take a little longer to grow them, but when we found out that there was an opportunity to work with players from the top 300 and top 200, we decided to work with them, because it will be easier.

On the motivation of players

Many players wanted to play NAVI despite the modest conditions we provide. They also had other options, but esportsmen wanted to play in Natus Vincere and I really liked it. It's a pleasure to work with them.

How did the team get started?


They came to us and said that there is a team of daring schoolchildren who have no equal, and we immediately decided to catch on to this player (captain). The search was long and difficult, it was difficult to refuse players. He had the 300th rank. We decided to immediately begin to cooperate with him and started from him.

fourth position

It turned out that the captain had already participated in the Kazakh academy, which was suitable in all respects. There was a position four player who wanted to play with the captain, but he said, "Even if you don't take me, take our captain." With these two players, the collection began. Then we started looking for other high-ranking players.


We had three options. As for Taras, Amiran (Ami) immediately asked about him personally. He said that he is good in terms of personality and is in the top 300 + had time to play with Stas (captain). Therefore, we stopped on it, because it was suitable for the following parameters. We started from the fact that the players of 4 and 5 positions liked everything and we did not want to impose other players, as this would worsen the atmosphere in the team.


As for the third positions, this is a very important role for me, since I myself played this role and I consider myself the best in the world at the time. I'm trying to make Yura the best offlaner in the world. Initially, the guys did not know him in public and, surprisingly, did not intersect with them. They are now discussing the game together, watching replays. I think everything is going to be alright.


Richard was found by a good friend of mine. I tried in turn to pull up my 18-year-old friend, but they never took him. I'm sure he will continue to play at a high level. Richard is already in the top 90 in Latvia and I am very surprised by his pool of players. I'm sure it will show an excellent game.

About the media of the project

Initially, we did everything incognito and no one in the doter crowd knew that we were gathering a youth squad. The players had to take our word for it. We promised them that when it comes to contracts, Amiran will come in and say his word, and also tell that it was his idea. Players, of course, were delighted with this turn of events.

About the goals of the project

In CS:GO, the purpose of gathering the youth roster was not to find cool players who would become the best team in the world, but to grow their own esportsmen, who would later be able to replace some members of the starting roster. Amiran believes that in Dota 2 the youth roster model will be the same. I have other thoughts on this. I think that Dota 2 will have a different system.

It seems to me that in this case we are not growing players who will replace the members of the starting line-up, but a team in which we can then make substitutions. It's similar to what Team Spirit did. They simply put together a team of capable players who, in an instant, became the best in the world. We may have a similar story.

About the expectation from the composition

We played about 30 games. I really like the approach of the players to the case. The guys take the games apart and take the blows as they are and look for mistakes in teamwork. Nobody pulls the blanket over themselves. We even have our first principal rival, with whom it is very difficult for us to play.

During this time spent with each other, the players have already begun to communicate differently. They are working doters. Rank 300 is no joke. Yes, these are not The International champions yet, but they are close to success. Team Spirit also started their journey with this and in a year and a half, having found a coach for themselves, the team did a great job and came to success.

I believe that in the future there is such a variant of the event, where both members of the starting lineup and NaVi Junior will play in the DPC league. We will work on it, but I want to ask our fans to support new players.

About playing online

I, as an old school lover, believe that the main boost in morale and game form lies in offline bootcamps. This greatly improves the quality of training and the thought of online training does not suit me. When we start doing this, everything may change, but so far I have a negative attitude towards this.

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