Dota 2 roster left Digital Chaos
The information about termination of the contract with the Dota 2 roster appeared on the official page of the organisation Digital Chaos on Twitter. The reasons of the decision haven't been revealed but after a month of being a part of the tag “DC”, the guys haven't managed to make it to a number of qualifiers.
See also: The format and the dates of EPICENTER XL were announced.
The official announcement:
«#DCDOTA have been released from their contracts. The players mutually decided to part ways in order to pursue other opportunities and were unable to field a complete team. We wish each of them good luck moving forward.»
Digital Chaos signed Animal Planet approximately a month ago. Within the period, the collective performed at GESC: Indonesia, finishing in 8-11 with no chance to get rating points. The roster took part in the qualifiers for StarLadder ImbaTV Invitational #5, GESC: Thailand Dota2 Minor and MDL Changsha Major, but they couldn't make it to the final stage.
Former Digital Chaos' roster:
Ravindu «ritsu» KodippiliJonathan «bryle» De GuiaDavid «MoonMeander» TanKurtis «Aui_2000» LingStanley «Stan King» Young
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