Lil and NoFear joined Winstrike, iLTW left the roster
Comment of Ilya ‘Lil’ Ilyuk:
«After a half of a year of wandering around the world, I am glad to get to the native CIS region and to have a chance to compete with the native teams. During this period of time time I managed to get to know DotA Zen and I got the powers to start fighting with. I'm deeply thankful to the organization Winstrike for the chance to get the past glory back fighting for them.
I will do my best to satisfy the expectations about me to return the legendary tag to the podium.
My aim now is to qualify for the major with the guys and to show a worthy result. If it was possible for such teams as Gambit, The Pango, NAVI and Team Empire, we will also be able to do it!
I'm glad to have a new home and a real family».
The team debuted with the renewed roster at the knockout tour of Adrenaline CyberLeague 2019. The team made it through the open qualifier, but lost at the end against the opponents from Old but Gold at the final of the closed qualifier. Winstrike Team has set a new goal: to pass to EPICENTER Major 2019.
As for Igor ‘iLTW’ Filatov, the manager of the roster reported that the mentioned player would continue playing somewhere beyond Winstrike. There is no information about who is going to to take the middle line at the moment.
Winstrike roster:
Airat ‘Silent’ GazievAleksey ‘Nongrata’ VasylievIlya ‘Lil’ IlyukAleksander ‘NoFear’ Churockin
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