10 Years Birthday Stikcer Capsule: Recension av årets bästa klistermärken CSGO
On the night of August 17, CS:GO released a major update. In the main shooter, Valve updated the list of maps, adding Tuscan dear to the hearts of the players, and in addition, they released an anniversary set of sticker capsules.
We could not pass by such an event - Valve arranged a painfully beautiful present. To your attention, a review of the “10 Years Birthday Stikcer Capsule” set.
All Sticker 10 Years Birthday Sticker Capsule

After looking at all the stickers, let's move on to the most memorable ones. Among the 65 stickers, there are some that should especially please CSGO fans, but not only them.
TOP Best Stickers Bundle “10 Years Birthday Sticker Capsule”

“Green`s Problem” refers us to, perhaps, the main headache of CSGO players. Communication between teammates, incomprehensible calls and strange decisions - all that we love CS for, and what makes us turn on the voice chat with a reasonable question.

“This is Fine” is a new interpretation of the classic burning house and business dog meme. In the role of a hitman this time is a hostage, who become the main victims in the showdown between Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists in CSGO.

“Conspiracy Club” is a good joke from Valve for all fans of conspiracy theories and the transition of CSGO to a new engine in particular. Or not so badass?

"Defuse it" is a reference to the US POP icon Rosie the riveter, symbolizing the women who worked in factories in America during World War II.

"Vertigos Hero" is a possible homage to photographer Richard Drew's "Falling Man" about the events of September 11, 2001.

Another flirtation with popular culture we see on the "Approachin Site". In this case, we have a scene from the manga JoJo`s Bizzare Adventure, the film adaptation of which gave the Internet countless memes, and “Approachin Site” in particular.

Valve's "In the Fire" is not about popular culture, it's about internal milestones. The sticker is another tribute to olafmeister's decision to defuse the bomb in the burning Molotov Cocktail. The Swede undefused the bomb in the ESL One Cologne 2014 match against Dignitas at Overpass at 14-14.

“Magic Rush Ball” is an iconic phrase for CSGO players of all stripes and sizes. The phrase "Rush B" has taken on sacred meaning for fans of the shooter from Valve and received well-deserved attention on the 10-year anniversary of the game.
The anniversary of CSGO really turned out to be significant. Valve has done a decent job, both in terms of gameplay updates (hello Tuscan) and cosmetics.