The organizers of ESL Pro League to reveal a new system of the group stage
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A new system for creating the groups of league participants will be integrated in ESL Pro League Season 6 Finals. Instead of seeding the participants according to the groups they took in regional leagues, ESL decided to give teams a possibility to select the opponents they don’t want to see in their groups and in this way to avoid matches with them in the group stage.
See also: The list of talents for BLAST Pro Series was announced Fnatic have the privilege as the winners of European division in 5th and 6th season of ESL Pro League. They will be the first to make their choice and will move one of the team to another group. OpTic Gaming, who won in North American division, will be the second to choose. The selection is scheduled for November 22. Two groups come under the name «Red» (R) and «Yellow» (Y). The selection will take place in the following order: Y1 selects R2R1 selects Y2R2 selects Y3Y2 selects R3Y3 selects R4R3 selects Y4R4 selects Y5Y4 selects R5Y5 selects R6 The last participant will join the Yellow group. A new system of selection was created together with the players who gave their recommendations during the last stage of the 5th season of ESL Pro League. EPL #6 Finals will take place on December 5 – 10, in Odense, Denmark. The venue of the event will be Sparekassen Fyn Arena, and the prize pool will be $750,000. List of participants:
Europe | America |
FnaticNorthFaZe ClanAstralisNinjas in PyjamasHellRaisers | OpTic GamingSK GamingTeam LiquidNRG eSportsMisfitsLuminosity Gaming |