Släppt Super People
Today, August 17, the developers from Wonder People finally released their brainchild into the last stage of testing. The final stage of the beta test will be available from 17 August 14:00 to 31 August 14:00 for everyone.
The project was announced 2 years ago, and the first closed testing phase began on July 21 last year. A lot of time has passed since the beginning, and according to the developers, they listened in detail to the players and their wishes.
Today we will tell you about this, if not the killer of PUBG (after all, as we know, what is dead cannot die), then its worthy competitor, and we will analyze what Super People is.
The genre of the game has long been familiar to us, it is a classic battle royale, but with its own characteristics. The ultimate goal is standard - to be the last survivor among the rest of the participants, but in this case, the result is influenced by many factors.

At this point, the game is closer to Apex Legends, before the start of the match you have the opportunity to choose one of 13 classes. Each class has passive and active skills, as well as an ultimate that can be improved during the match after leveling up. Skill levels rise: after killing other players, picking up special items, and just being in a match for a long time.
Equipment creation

Crafting is already a new mechanic that has not been seen before in other battle royales. Thanks to the resources found, players can craft the right equipment right during the match, thanks to which they can quickly replace broken armor, or create missing weapons.
As in other games of this genre, equipment in Super People has a bit depth, the higher its level, the higher the characteristics, whether it is hit protection or an increase in weapon damage.

In the game, both familiar items are available: bandages, first-aid kits and body kits for weapons, as well as previously unseen items created for the features of the game. These include: ability capsules, which also have color digits, energy bars that increase a certain characteristic. The red bar increases damage dealt, the blue one increases movement speed, and the green one reduces damage taken and restores the character's shield.
Comparing SP and PUBG, one cannot help but draw an analogy with famous first-person shooters. Naturally, we are talking about CS: GO and Valorant, tired of the usual shooting and want more dynamics and variety? Change CS to Valorant. There is a similar situation, especially since the physics in SP is identical to PUBG.

Separately, I would like to note the map, at the moment it is only one called Orb Island, its feature is a random location. This means that the match will take place on one part of the map, so each time there will be different locations, which will add interest.
The final phase of beta testing will run until August 31, the same day the game will be officially released. After the end of the beta, the game will be wiped, which means the removal of all game data (characters, gold, experience, skins).