EGW-NewsGamingEthan Winters blev huvudperson Resident Evil: Village på grund av författarnas tillgivenhet
Ethan Winters blev huvudperson Resident Evil: Village på grund av författarnas tillgivenhet
Nyligen talade PlayStation Official-tidningen med Peter Fabiano, producent av Resident Evil Village. I samtalet pratade vi om huvudpersonen i spelet - Ethan Winters.
Som det visade sig blev Ethan huvudperson i den åttonde delen av Resident Evil av en anledning. Även i de sista stadierna av utvecklingen av Resident Evil 7, skaparna skapade planer för karaktärsutveckling.
Spelets författare blev knutna till Ethan under skapandet av spelet och bestämde sig därför för att fortsätta sin historia i byn. Skaparna ville också att spelare skulle uppfatta historien genom huvudpersonens ögon i fortsättningen av den sjunde delen.
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Hello everyone .. I have a question .. and why is Chris Redfield on the cover of Resident Evil 8 Village and not Ethan Winters? I mean we only play Chris once and we play Ethan all the time, that kind of doesn't make sense .. What doesn't make sense is that Capcom is now just letting him die even though a Resi main character has never died ... that's strange or .. I mean you probably know this one rule that says that if someone dies offscreen, that person is not really dead. just because at the end he walks along the street and then the car in which Rose is sitting stops and then the credits are over .. I think and hope that Ethan is not dead that would be shit I hope that you can get him in a DLC and in resi 9 sees again and that he stays alive because let's be honest, he just deserves to go on living ... ah and one more question why Capcom doesn't show Ethan's face
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RE Village looks very experimental, as does the entire Winters trilogy (starting with Biohazard). Most likely in the future we will see the adventure of Rose, and Ethan did disappear into oblivion after the destruction of Megamicelium (which, in principle, supported Ethan's life). Plus, the inscription in the prologue of the game serves as a bold hint: Father's story is over.
It's hard to say about the face. As for me, Capcom was a little deceitful, saying that they really liked Ethan so much. Still, he looks partly a dummy, and starting with Biohazard, villains drag the blanket over themselves.
And Chris, he is Chris, to show off on the cover)