EGW-NewsHearthstoneDe mest intressanta startlekarna Hearthstone i Nathria Murder Expansion Pack
De mest intressanta startlekarna Hearthstone i Nathria Murder Expansion Pack

De mest intressanta startlekarna Hearthstone i Nathria Murder Expansion Pack

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A little over a week ago, the leading game in the CCD genre (or CCG - Collectible Card Game) - Hearthstone, received a new massive expansion called "Murder in Castle Nathria". A detailed review of the patch, along with new mechanics, you can read in our article.

Today we will introduce you to 5 new and interesting decks that appeared after the expansion. I want to remind you that not much time has passed since the release of the update, which means that the meta has not yet fully settled down, so it is your choice to craft decks or not.

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Spooky Mage or Skeleton Mage

The new archetype of the mage has completely replaced the previous decks: mechano-mage, big-mage, ping-mage. All of them are now extremely rare. The gameplay is based on the new generic creatures “Explosive Skeleton” for 2 mana (2-2 stats), deathrattle: creatures deal 2 damage to a random enemy (both units and the hero himself). Despite the fact that the card is common, it found its greatest use in the magician, thanks to synergy with new cards: area - “Sanctuary of Nightcloaks”, “Cold Case” - a new spell, a rare spell - “Child of Death” and the main card - This is the new Kel'Thuzad the Inevitable, a Class Legendary.

The deck feels good mainly against aggro: locks, robbers, aggro Demon Hunter.

Things go worse against slow decks and hunters: control shamans and priests, spell hunters, ramp druid.



The Most Interesting Hearthstone Starter Decks in Castle Nathria Murder. Photo 1
The Most Interesting Hearthstone Starter Decks in Castle Nathria Murder. Photo 2

New Miracle Horn

The robber returns to her roots. If earlier it was necessary to find Van Cleef and the disguise, now it is enough to put a new area for two mana (you can have two) and wait. Thanks to a lot of cheap cards and coins from the Pawnbroker Shark, it is possible to get 10-10 or more ghosts with disguise already on the 4-5th turn, and then just wait for the moment. The deck is complemented by the new legendary Necrolord Draka, which will allow you to pump not only the creature, but also the weapon, for stronger campaigns in the face.

The deck feels good against most of the popular archetypes: Skeleton Mage, Zu Lock, Spell Hunt, Quest Hunt.

Worse against: ramp druids, control warriors, control shamans.

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The Most Interesting Hearthstone Starter Decks in Castle Nathria Murder. Photo 3

New Rump Druid

The updated version of the old druid is aimed not only at getting mana crystals as soon as possible, but also at the addition of Denatrium, which, in combination with Bran, allows you to OTK off opponents. In addition, new legendaries have been added to the deck: Kael'thas the Sinful and Hatchet Flamebush. The latter helps to fight off the aggro due to its effect. A very controversial deck, only recommended for crafting if you have extra dust. If we recall that Blizzard promised to gradually move away from the concept of OTC decks, then it is very likely that Denatrius will be nerfed in the next patch.

The deck holds up well against slow archetypes: control priest, control shaman, skeleton mage.

Things are worse with agro decks with good runs. Zu-lok and tempo-horn, destroy the druid.


The Most Interesting Hearthstone Starter Decks in Castle Nathria Murder. Photo 4
The Most Interesting Hearthstone Starter Decks in Castle Nathria Murder. Photo 5

Besolok (aka ZU-lok)

A successful attempt to resurrect an old ZU-lock. The gameplay of the deck has not changed at all: occupying the table with subsequent buffs and going to the face. In addition to the old maps, there is a new area called the Unholy Library that buffs demons and a new legendary demon king, Raphaam, who resurrects them.

Plays well against most decks: Ramp Druid, almost all Priest variations, Skeleton Mage, Spell Hunter.

Worse things go against the same aggro: face-hunter, face dx, tempo horns.

Code: AAECAf0GAseyBJvkBA707QP9+gP/+gOB+wPFgASpkQSEoATmoAT50wT60wT/2QSA2gSB2gSr6gQA

The Most Interesting Hearthstone Starter Decks in Castle Nathria Murder. Photo 6

Control Shaman

The most expensive deck, but also the most effective. According to statistics, HSReplay has the highest percentage of wins in the new expansion. Thanks to Renatal, you have 40 cards and most of them are aimed at board control. The new card “Primal Wave” with the evolution/involution mechanics is the best to cope with, it allows you to turn opponent's creatures into others one mana lower, and yours one mana higher. Many freezes from past expansions allow you to control the game board in search of sweeps.

The deck feels great with almost all archetypes.


The Most Interesting Hearthstone Starter Decks in Castle Nathria Murder. Photo 7
The Most Interesting Hearthstone Starter Decks in Castle Nathria Murder. Photo 8

After reading, you have learned which decks are the most relevant at the moment. Do you have several thousand extra dust? Craft Control Shaman or Skeleton Mage and conquer the ladder, in case you don't have enough supplies, there are cheaper ZU locks, and Tempo Rogues.

Recall that the meta is just beginning to take shape, and perhaps in a month the current decks will stop playing, so the choice is completely yours.

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