March of the Lich King-expansion släppt för Hearthstone
In the card collectible game Hearthstone from Blizzard, the addition "March of the Lich King" was released. The developers of the KKI are returning their brainchild to a harsh theme, but at the same time they are adding a bunch of new content, which is discussed below.
New Class - Death Knight
The main innovation for Hearthstone with the release of the "March of the Lich King" will be the introduction of a new class in the game - the Death Knight. Arthas Menethil will be the 11th playable character in Hearthstone.
Heroic Ability: Ghoul Rush

Summons a living dead with 1/1 stats and Rush. The ghoul dies after the end of the turn and grants one charge of Corpses.
Class Mechanic: “Corpses”
Allows you to improve the effects of played cards. Each time a friendly creature dies, gain a charge of "Corpse".
Deck Building Mechanic: Runes
To create a deck, the Death Knight uses the runes of three schools: blood (red), frost (blue) and unholy (green). When creating a deck, you can combine which school cards will fall into it.
- Blood Rune (Red) - Specialization in board control with massive creatures and abilities to clear the opponent's board.
- Rune of Frost (blue) - specialization in burst damage with the ability to push the opponent with the help of OTK combinations.
- Rune of Unholy (Green) - Specializes in spamming the table with units and activating class mechanics.
With the addition to Hearthstone, the Death Knight will have the largest set of class cards. In total, there will be 68 cards in the game that can only be used by Death Knights.
All those who wish will be able to go through a special PvE event and learn the story of Arthas becoming the Lich King. The reward for passing will be a set of 32 cards.
On top of that, the Death Knight will receive the Path of Arthas Pack, which can be purchased from the Hearthstone Store for 2000 Gold or 1500 Runestones. It will include 26 cards, which will be combined with 32 cards for completing the event in three starting decks of the Death Knight.
New creature type - Undead

With the advent of the Death Knight on the battlefield, a new type of creature will appear in the game - the undead. In addition, Hearthstone now has a dual creature type.
Most of the new cards in March of the Lich King, if they are creatures, will be Undead. In addition, some of the existing units will receive this type of creature.
145 new cards
The March of the Lich King update added 145 new cards to the game, including 10 legendary ones. All classes, with the exception of the Death Knight, will receive 10 new cards, including 2 legendary cards. There are also 35 new community cards in the game.
New keywords: Rebirth and Mana Thirst

The release of March of the Lich King brought two mechanics to the game - Rebirth and Mana Thirst. The first was already available in Hearthstone during the Saviors of Uldum expansion.
"Rebirth" - after death, the creature returns to the battlefield with 1 unit of health. The key owners of the returned mechanics will be the undead.
The second mechanic added to Hearthstone is unique. Mana Thirst allows you to increase the effects of cards you play.
Mana Thirst - When you reach a certain amount of Mana Crystals, passively improve the effects of the cards you play.
New branded cards

March of the Lich King will add a new type of cosmetic item to the game - Signature Cards. Signature cards, by analogy with gold and diamond cards, change the visual design of the card.
Branded cards will offer fully animated models. In total, there are 18 branded cards in the game, including 15 legendary cards. Two branded cards will be the reward of the Battle Pass.