Chamber, Jett och Neon ändringar - Patch 5.03 översikt för VALORANT
Riot Games has released the full list of changes coming to VALORANT with patch 5.03. We've taken a look at the upcoming gameplay and agent updates, bringing you a summary of the latest changes coming to the game very soon.
General updates
- Upgrading the engine to Unreal Engine 4.26.
- Visual design update for the Agent Browser.
Chamber Changes

As players have mastered Chamber, his strengths have begun to overshadow his weaknesses, making Rendezvous's counterplay and arsenal not as effective as we had hoped. Chamber's combined power has also been overstated, and we believe we can reduce the full power of his kit while still keeping him competitive against other agents.
"Rendezvous" (E):
- Base cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
- Return cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
- The ability cooldown has been increased to 45 seconds if the teleport was destroyed.
- Ability range reduced from 21 meters to 15 meters.
"Crown reception" (C):
- Slow duration reduced from 9.5 to 6 seconds.
Headhunter (Q):
- Bullet cost increased from 100 to 150.
Show of Strength (X):
- Ability cost increased from 7 to 8.
- Decreased the duration of the slow on kill from 9.5 seconds to 6 seconds.
- Leg hit damage now deals 85% of normal damage.
Neon Update
Full Power (X):
- Damage per shot reduced from 22 to 18.
- Range increased from 15 to 20 meters.
- Leg hits now deal 85% of normal damage.
- Headshots now deal 300% of normal damage.
Jett update
Blade Storm (X):
- Dagger leg damage now deals 85% of normal damage.
Chamber update
Show of Strength (X):
- Leg hit damage now deals 85% of normal damage.
Update game settings
Added the ability to change the "Ghost" key binding outside of custom games. This setting is listed under Settings >> Controls >> Actions.
Fixed an issue where some HUD elements on Reyna and Killjoy agents were still visible after enabling the Hide UI feature.
Fixed an issue with Jett's Tailwind ability where switching weapons would cause the weapon draw animation to take longer.